Nothing is worse for weight loss or health than broken and poor sleep! It devastates your whole metabolism and like constipation, is something you need to keep working on until you fix it! Here are 3 huge metabolic causes of poor sleep and how to fix them. Even if these are not the main cause of your sleep problem, they will greatly help improve the situation regardless of your core cause of poor sleep!
First high levels of the stress hormone cortisol are a major cause of sleep problems. This can be due to your daily wear and tear, particular life worries you have, an anxious personality or lifestyle habits like taking too many sugar and caffeine products.
Cortisol levels should be low in the body at night to allow you to sleep. If they are high you will find it hard to fall asleep and when you eventually do you will probably wake again between 1am and 3 am. An excellent solution for this is the herb ashwagandha. This wonderful herb is a cortisol regular and has been transformative for many of our clients!
Another key reason for poor or broken sleep is a deficiency of the mineral magnesium! This amazing mineral is one of the most common deficiencies in people. This can occur for several reasons; poor food choices, poor digestive function, excess exercise, excess calcium intake or a side effect of medicines to name a few.
Magnesium has many critical roles in the body but is critical in hormone balance and allowing the body to relax and fall asleep. The best form of magnesium for sleep is magnesium glycinate. Again giving magnesium to our clients has greatly helped with improved sleep and so weight loss!
Finally and this is a big one and more applicable to females. From your 40s on your hormones are changing, especially estrogen and progesterone! Both are huge regulators of sleep. However the one that declines most rapidly is nearly always progesterone. Progesterone is absolutely critical for good sleep! I repeat again, progesterone is a miracle for good sleep! It can be almost entirely gone from most women by their 40s.
The causes of this are many, but excess stress, under-eating and over exercising are often key factors. Progesterone is a massive hormone for women in their 40s and is often not even blood tested. Many women have virtually zero levels! There are huge implications for this not only for sleep but for breast, cervical and endometrial cancer. So make absolutely sure to get your progesterone checked as it can not only transform your sleep but hugely safeguard your future health!
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System 10 is about real weight loss the right way! We balance food and exercise with you the person for maximum sustainable weight loss that transforms your shape, shifts stubborn fat and builds your energy and improves your hormone balance, sleep and health!