Organic Food
Delivery Service

Vestibulum maximus egestas tortor nec volutpat. Suspendisse lobortis lorem vel enim semper rutrum nulla ac dolor ullamcorper aliquam.

  • Free delivery service
    Nam malesuada eros nec luctus laoreet. Fusce sodales consequat
  • Easy payments
    Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra
  • Exact calories
    Nam malesuada eros nec luctus laoreet. Fusce sodales consequat

Healthy and tasty foods with
natural ingredients

Quisque pretium dolor turpis, quis blandit turpis semper ut. Nam malesuada eros nec luctus laoreet. Fusce sodales consequat velit eget dictum. Integer ornare magna vitae ex eleifend congue. Morbi sit amet nisi iaculis, fringilla orci nec.

  • Every day from 8:00 to 12:00
  • +49260-5731-08
  • Only natural food
    Nam malesuada eros nec luctus laoreet fusce sodales consequat
  • Various dishes
    Nullam faucibus a libero quis vestibulum proin vestibulum
  • Handy packaging
    Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices
  • No frying
    Donec vitae turpis orci. In dignissim risus sed iaculis laoreet
  • wc-label

    Eggs with Bacon and Salad

    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.
    Energy: 498 kkal
    Protein: 26 g
    Fat: 8 g
    Carbohydrates: 49 g
    7.99 Add to cartRead more
  • wc-label

    Salmon with Vegetables

    Nullam laoreet arcu eu massa euismod, quis dictum massa sodales. Proin eget scelerisque dui. Phasellus id enim lobortis, porta orci at, viverra turpis. Phasellus et odio ac velit eleifend condimentum vel at purus. Ut lobortis sed felis vitae luctus.
    Energy: 290 kkal
    Protein: 26 g
    Fat: 8 g
    Carbohydrates: 49 g
    12.49 Add to cartRead more
Our menu

Popular Dishes

Nullam laoreet arcu eu massa euismod, quis dictum massa sodales. Proin eget scelerisque dui. Phasellus id enim lobortis, porta orci at, viverra turpis. Phasellus et odio ac velit eleifend condimentum vel at purus. Ut lobortis sed felis vitae luctus.

Free delivery every day at
your convenience

Proin rhoncus ligula eu tincidunt cursus. Vestibulum orci nulla, blandit vel convallis sit amet, dictum non nisl. Donec sit amet placerat arcu. Cras rhoncus nisl ac dui vehicula, vel dictum diam vestibulum.

    Subscribe to our newsletter

    Quisque pretium dolor turpis, quis blandit turpis semper ut. Nam malesuada eros nec luctus laoreet. Quisque pretium dolor turpis, quis blandit.

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    What our clients say

    Thank you Graham and System 10 for all your help and support over the past 5 weeks . I have managed to lose 18 lbs in 5 weeks . My energy levels have increased and I feel more motivated to continue on my weight loss journey . Graham was very helpful and responded to all queries very promptly . It is easy to follow and I like the fact that I had to attend for the weekly weigh in.

    Caitriona in Tipperary 11/2023

    Thank you System 10 for the wonderful support you gave me over the past 5 weeks on the plan. In that time Zivile went through everything in detail, looked at my supplements/ vitamins and changed things up for me. Another thing she said was, I want to fix you, which is not something many people say unless they are prescribing antidepressants. From food to vitamins and exercise it is really a great plan, I lost 10lbs in the 5 weeks. I feel great and I would definitely recommend this plan, best part is all food is allowed.

    S.M. Cork 10/2023

    Thank you system 10 for all your help and support over the last few months. You motivated me to keep going week after week. Your words of encouragement never faded. The plan really works. You don't feel you are on a diet or are missing out. You eat every days foods. You never feel hungry . The weight just come off. It has changed the way I look at food now in a good way. It has fitted very well into my lifestyle. I am so glad I joined. It has taught me so much.

    A from Tipperary 08/2023

    Thanks so much to everyone at System 10 and especially to Zivile. Ye have really helped me on a weight loss journey, losing 14 kg in 10 weeks and educating me enough to now push on towards meeting New weight loss goals. This is a great kick start for anyone looking to start a weight loss journey and one I would recommend to everybody.

    JD from Tipperary 07/2023

    Having lost 8lbs in a 5week period, I can thoroughly recommend System 10 Weight-loss. Zivile,the nutritionist was lovely and gave expert scientific advice and was ready to answer any questions I had. At the end I understood Metabolism and the importance of eating regular but small meals ,whilst getting to grips with calorie-counting!

    TM, North Tipperary 06/2023
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      900 Lucerne Terrace, Orlando, FL 32806
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