A complete plan of food, exercise, great information and motivation for all fitness levels!
Lose 14 to 18 lbs (6.4 to 8.2kgs) every 6 weeks!
Get a 28 to 35 lbs (12.7 to 15.9kgs) transformation in 10 weeks!

Limerick being the home of System 10 offers both 6 and 10 week plans with weekly weigh-ins and a choice of attending our amazing CARDIO & TONING classes OR HOME based exercise! You just cannot beat the results and motivation of coming to our classes if you can! It is the no. 1 choice for success!

You get all the Best Benefits of our plan. Then features of your plan include…..
  • Suitable for all ages and fitness levels!
  • Each plan is individually calculated for success!
  • Clear structures and specifics for food and exercise. Works for people with busy lives!
The only plan that calculates the food to fit the exercise and each individual size!
Food Plans

You get structured 7 day food plans with plenty of normal every day foods!

Our food plans tell you exactly what to have for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks!

You get treat calories every day and can have a weekly alcohol allowance


• We teach you the right exercise the right way!

  • CLASS plan– attend 2 x 45 min classes weekly and 2 x 30 min brisk walks/jogs or cycles at home!

  • HOME plan - 5 x 30 min sessions weekly - 3 brisk cardio walks or cycles and 2 toning sessions!

Motivation & Support

• Private weekly one to one high motivation weigh-ins with your System 10 coach!

• A support text or call if you go missing!

• You will get amazing ideas and tips!

  • The golden secrets of motivation!

  • How to conquer cravings!

  • How to deal with emotional eating!

• You get great support and a clear action plan if results are slow.

There are 2 plan options

  • Silver Plan – all the above with foundation metabolism correction for great results!
  • Gold Plan – all the above with MetCheck our incredible hormone and metabolism
    questionnaire that will take your energy, health and weight loss to a whole new level of science!


Your Unique Path To Weight loss

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  • How to reduce weight
  • Ways to improve health
  • Diet recomendations
  • Lifestyle and sports
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