Choose Your Plan& Get Results!
If there was a better way to lose weight, we would offer it!
System10isverydifferentto otherweightlossplans.
Limerick Plans (best choice if in or near Limerick)
$ 19
- Lose up to 18lbs (8.2kgs) in 6 wks!
- Lose up to 35lbs (15.9kgs) in 10 wks!
- Food plans!
- Weekly weigh-ins with a
- System 10 coach! Attend our classes OR exercise from home!
- SILVER plan - foundation
- metabolism correction!
- GOLD plan - our ultimate plan
- includes personalised metabolism correction!
- You can also attend us for fitness only without weight loss!
- For details ph. David @ 086-8786042 or arrange a call back

Your Unique Path To Weight loss
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- How to reduce weight
- Ways to improve health
- Diet recomendations
- Lifestyle and sports