Toning is by far the most important exercise for weight loss! Far more important than cardio! Toning supercharges your metabolism 24 hours a day! All the people you see endlessly pounding the streets for weight loss success are completely on the wrong road. It is toning that turns you into a fat burning machine!

Nearly everyone could do with more muscle tone. Lack of activity and aging causes a loss of muscle tone. Most people we meet could do with adding at least 5 lbs of muscle tone to their body. When you tone up, you get slimmer and firmer, but more important every 1 lb of added muscle tone burns an extra 300 calories per week. So 5 lbs of added muscle will burn an extra 1500 calories per week, enough to burn off 22 lbs of fat per year!

Remember toning also improves your skin tone, so it is vital for preventing excess skin during weight loss. It also helps you rebalance your body shape better. So if you are top heavy or bottom heavy, extra toning in the opposite area helps you get that nicer rebalanced shape! Apples need to emphasise lower body toning and pears need to emphasise upper body toning!

There are also huge other benefits to be gotten from toning! More energy, improved bone density, extra strength, better blood flow (reduced risks of clotting) and injury prevention to name a few!

The contribution of cardio to weight loss is actually very small! Very often long cardio sessions create hunger and the person eats back on half or more of what they burnt off in the first place! Weight loss is all about food change first, then toning and cardio the least important! We have cardio in our plan mainly for your heart health and not your weight loss!

Toning requires just 2 x 30 minute full body toning exercises per week. You need to make sure it is real toning where you really feel the burn in your muscles. Good technique is absolutely vital so make sure you get good instruction, however the rewards are truly amazing!

Thanks for reading,

If you have any questions about anything above please email me at and I will reply.

David McDonagh (Nutritionist, fitness trainer & creator of System 10 Weight Loss)

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