Info & Tips

Vitamin D is truly amazing

Many illnesses and diseases has vitamin D as a factor! It is amazing for bone health, joint problems and osteoporosis. It is critical to help prevent breast cancer and prostate cancer, two of the most common cancers of all. It is great for blood pressure. It can help prevent or greatly improve multiple sclerosis. It helps with osteoarthritis and rh …

March 21, 20122 Comments
Face & Body

Did You Know – Part 4

80% of depression cases are connected to the poor performance of body organs/systems other than the brain e.g. low thyroid function, poor digestive system or exhausted adrenal glands. So in treating depression make sure to get to the root cause for the fastest and best results! Your liver is one of the hardest working organs of your body with at lea …

April 27, 2011

Essential Fats

Omega 3 and Omega 6 are called essential fat families because you cannot make them in the body and must supply them from food. It is estimated that around 80% of people are deficient in these essential fats. They have incredibly important roles in the body including the prevention of heart disease and cancer, balancing hormones, preserving bone dens …

August 11, 2010
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