Face & Body

Did You Know – Part 4

80% of depression cases are connected to the poor performance of body organs/systems other than the brain e.g. low thyroid function, poor digestive system or exhausted adrenal glands. So in treating depression make sure to get to the root cause for the fastest and best results! Your liver is one of the hardest working organs of your body with at lea …

April 27, 2011

Questions & Answers

Q. Why Can’t I Gain Weight? I’m too Skinny! A. The inability to gain weigh t is a major stress for some people. This can be as distressing to those in this situation (especially ladies) as losing weight is to people with a weight problem. What is worse is that while there are plenty of people advising about weight loss , there are few if any who advis …

March 11, 2011

The Golden Rules for Great Weight Loss

Here is a collection of 10 real truths about weight loss. It should help you identify where you have gone wrong before and also provide you with some answers you’ve been looking for and with some topics to explore more for better results. 1. Your metabolism is the master controller of your weight loss – even more than diet or exercise! Metaboli …

February 12, 2011
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