Q & A

Q. Why does my weight loss stop after 3 weeks?

A. There are a number of factors in this. Biggest of them all is the fact that on most weight loss plans you aren’t really burning fat to begin with! There is only so much toxins and water you can lose, so inevitably results will stop. This will especially happen on what I call one dimensional plans such as those that have diet only and no ex …

December 22, 2010
Weight Loss

Your Red and Green Weight Loss Switches!……Part 2

Red (bad) and Green (good) switches are a simplified way to help you understand how you lose weight. Red switches stop fat being burned and cause fat storage. Green switches allow access to fat and help prevent fat storage. In the last Issue I focussed on the key things that turn on the red switches. Now let’s focus on the positive and the k …

December 13, 2010
Weight Loss

Your Red and Green Weight Loss Switches!……Part 1

This is a simplified but accurate picture of the process of weight loss that hopefully will inspire you to see where you are going wrong and motivate you to make better lifestyle changes. Your fat cells have receptors. Some receptors help store fat (call them red switches to help you remember) and some receptors help burn fat (call them green switch …

December 10, 2010
Weight Loss

The Right Food Balance for Weight Loss….part 2

Previously I explained that it is best to imagine that there are 3 fuel tanks in the body, the smallest for fats, slightly bigger for proteins and the largest for carbohydrates. If you over fill any of these tanks at any given meal or in a 24 hour period or if you under fill any of these tanks in a 24 hour period you will get fat! For example if yo …

November 3, 2010
Weight Loss

The Right Food Balance for Weight Loss….part 1

There seems to be a lot of confusion as to the ideal food balance for weight loss. Low carb diets! High protein diets! High fat diets! High carb diets! There is an endless range of options, all claiming to be the new miracle for weight loss. The truth is that the ideal balance should be based 1) on how much of each of these we actually need to maint …

November 1, 2010
Weight Loss

Weight Loss – stop wasting your time and effort!

You might be dropping the pounds fast. You might find the shortcuts appealing. You think everything is going well. You are probably just focussing on your weight only. However your weight loss plan is more than likely CHEATING you and seriously damaging your shape, body and health. Low calorie diets, diet potions and pills, weight loss plans withou …

September 24, 2010

Ways to Stay Motivated

Motivation needs to be constantly worked on or it can slowly disappear. Prevention is the key and how you think is a major part of this. Here are a few things to consider. Remember exercise is a great way to give something back to your body – it is time for yourself, time to escape, time to undo the wear and tear of stress, work, family life, …

September 21, 2010

Super Star Supplements: Milk Thistle – for your liver!

Milk Thistle is one of the most researched herbs of all with over 300 studies done on its safety and benefits. It is best known for its amazing benefits for your liver. Three constituents, collectively known as Silymarin, are the parts of the herb responsible for these benefits. Your liver is one of the real work houses of the body, with over 500 di …

August 27, 2010
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