
Questions & Answers

Q. How Do I Lose Weight From My Inner & Outer Thighs? A. There are 3 key strategies for this. First on most weight loss plans the amount of fat being burned is tiny and so you never really get to the fat stores in these areas. This is one of the main reasons people ‘stick’ after 3 weeks – they were never burning much fat in the first place and w …

March 18, 2011

The Biggest Motivation Mistakes People Make….Part 2!

Continuing on from the last issue here are some keys things you need to watch to protect and enhance your motivation for weight loss or other health lifestyle changes. They really make a difference – practice them and see! CHUNK SIZE – you need to view challenging tasks in parts. Don’t think about a week of dieting but rather 1 day at a time a …

March 15, 2011

Questions & Answers

Q. Why Can’t I Gain Weight? I’m too Skinny! A. The inability to gain weigh t is a major stress for some people. This can be as distressing to those in this situation (especially ladies) as losing weight is to people with a weight problem. What is worse is that while there are plenty of people advising about weight loss , there are few if any who advis …

March 11, 2011

A Motivational Environment is Vital to Your Success!

Absolutely critical to your motivation is your environment – the items, pictures, people and other things around you at home and at work. Expecting to stay motivated for weight loss or anything else when your environment is wrong is near impossible. You need to create an environment that supports and inspires your goal and that can pull you up when …

March 10, 2011
Q & A

Q. Why does my weight loss stop after 3 weeks?

A. There are a number of factors in this. Biggest of them all is the fact that on most weight loss plans you aren’t really burning fat to begin with! There is only so much toxins and water you can lose, so inevitably results will stop. This will especially happen on what I call one dimensional plans such as those that have diet only and no ex …

December 22, 2010
Q & A

Q: I have back problems, so I cannot exercise, how can I lose weight?

A: No matter what your back problem, you must find a way to exercise. You cannot let the rest of your body especially your heart and lungs decay because of one problem area. Sure you need to be cautious and carefully consider what you do, but the WORST thing you can do is avoid exercise. The very thing you are avoiding is probably one of the best m …

August 9, 2010
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