Face & Body

Questions & Answers

Q. Should I take some supplements? Some people tell me I don’t need them. A . My answer to this is a definite YES , but select ones that you truly need and avoid taking excesses of any supplements. True in an ideal World be would not need any supplements because we would get all we need from our food intake. But how many of us consistently eat this we …

June 9, 2011
Face & Body

Did You Know? – Part 2

So far no effective weight loss pill or herb exists! The results at best have been very poor even from prescription weight loss drugs. Don’t let those adverts fool you! You are going to have to change your diet and exercise sometime to get real results. To stop eating at 6pm is not beneficial and very often bad for your weight loss results! The idea …

April 21, 2011

L-glutamine to rebuild your digestive system and combat cravings!

L-glutamine is an amino acid which is a building block for body proteins. It is the most abundant amino acid in the body, arguably the most important and has incredible functions and benefits. Perhaps most important of all is that L-glutamine can be used to help make all other amino acids required by the body. This flexibility makes it incredibly us …

April 18, 2011
Face & Body

Super Star Supplements: The ‘Happy’ Vitamin – Vitamin B5

This section is all about supplements that can make a significant difference in your life and especially for your metabolism and health or weight loss goals and Vitamin B5 certainly qualifies here. Vitamin B5 also known as Calcium Pantothenate or Pantothenic Acid is a member of the B complex family of vitamins. It has roles in cell building, maintai …

March 14, 2011

Super Star Supplements: Milk Thistle – for your liver!

Milk Thistle is one of the most researched herbs of all with over 300 studies done on its safety and benefits. It is best known for its amazing benefits for your liver. Three constituents, collectively known as Silymarin, are the parts of the herb responsible for these benefits. Your liver is one of the real work houses of the body, with over 500 di …

August 27, 2010

Essential Fats

Omega 3 and Omega 6 are called essential fat families because you cannot make them in the body and must supply them from food. It is estimated that around 80% of people are deficient in these essential fats. They have incredibly important roles in the body including the prevention of heart disease and cancer, balancing hormones, preserving bone dens …

August 11, 2010
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