Face & Body

Super Star Supplements: The ‘Happy’ Vitamin – Vitamin B5

This section is all about supplements that can make a significant difference in your life and especially for your metabolism and health or weight loss goals and Vitamin B5 certainly qualifies here. Vitamin B5 also known as Calcium Pantothenate or Pantothenic Acid is a member of the B complex family of vitamins. It has roles in cell building, maintai …

March 14, 2011

Questions & Answers

Q. Why Can’t I Gain Weight? I’m too Skinny! A. The inability to gain weigh t is a major stress for some people. This can be as distressing to those in this situation (especially ladies) as losing weight is to people with a weight problem. What is worse is that while there are plenty of people advising about weight loss , there are few if any who advis …

March 11, 2011

A Motivational Environment is Vital to Your Success!

Absolutely critical to your motivation is your environment – the items, pictures, people and other things around you at home and at work. Expecting to stay motivated for weight loss or anything else when your environment is wrong is near impossible. You need to create an environment that supports and inspires your goal and that can pull you up when …

March 10, 2011

Questions & Answers

Q. Why Do I Regain My Weight the Minute I Finish My Plan? A. There are 2 main reasons why this happens. First due to bad quality weight loss plans most people are losing a lot of water when they lose weight and very little fat. It is simply false results. The minute they ease back on their plan this water will return and so up goes their weight. Thi …

February 12, 2011

The Golden Rules for Great Weight Loss

Here is a collection of 10 real truths about weight loss. It should help you identify where you have gone wrong before and also provide you with some answers you’ve been looking for and with some topics to explore more for better results. 1. Your metabolism is the master controller of your weight loss – even more than diet or exercise! Metaboli …

February 12, 2011

The Biggest Motivation Mistakes People Make…..part 1

I would like you to consider the key mistakes people make when it comes to getting and staying motivated for weight loss . Working to prevent these errors will go a long way to making you successful. 1. GOALS – In an earlier issue we spoke about having a crystal clear goal or goals. Your goal must be very specific in terms of how much you want …

February 12, 2011
Q & A

Q. Why does my weight loss stop after 3 weeks?

A. There are a number of factors in this. Biggest of them all is the fact that on most weight loss plans you aren’t really burning fat to begin with! There is only so much toxins and water you can lose, so inevitably results will stop. This will especially happen on what I call one dimensional plans such as those that have diet only and no ex …

December 22, 2010
Weight Loss

Your Red and Green Weight Loss Switches!……Part 2

Red (bad) and Green (good) switches are a simplified way to help you understand how you lose weight. Red switches stop fat being burned and cause fat storage. Green switches allow access to fat and help prevent fat storage. In the last Issue I focussed on the key things that turn on the red switches. Now let’s focus on the positive and the k …

December 13, 2010
Weight Loss

Your Red and Green Weight Loss Switches!……Part 1

This is a simplified but accurate picture of the process of weight loss that hopefully will inspire you to see where you are going wrong and motivate you to make better lifestyle changes. Your fat cells have receptors. Some receptors help store fat (call them red switches to help you remember) and some receptors help burn fat (call them green switch …

December 10, 2010
Weight Loss

The Right Food Balance for Weight Loss….part 2

Previously I explained that it is best to imagine that there are 3 fuel tanks in the body, the smallest for fats, slightly bigger for proteins and the largest for carbohydrates. If you over fill any of these tanks at any given meal or in a 24 hour period or if you under fill any of these tanks in a 24 hour period you will get fat! For example if yo …

November 3, 2010
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